A rose by any other name...


Have you ever heard of AuctionWeb, BackRub or Blue Ribbon Sports? These are all fledgling start-ups that, at some point, rebranded so that today you know them as multinational giants eBay, Google and Nike respectively! It may sound extreme, but renaming your business can breathe new life into it.

Defining your brand is a critical first step in any marketing plan and it takes time and thought. Once you’ve done it, you might like to think that you’ll never have to repeat the exercise, but nothing lasts forever. There comes a time in every business’s life when the branding gets stale or outdated. Change might also be desirable due to a change in ownership or focus.

Several high-profile brands have gone through identity adjustments over the years. A less drastic solution than renaming is to merely modify your business name to freshen it up. A recent example is the Huffington Post that, following the departure of its founder, chose to rebrand as the snappier ‘Huffpost’. In other cases, the business name is fine as it is and all that’s needed is a new or reworked logo, as we’ve seen over the years from the likes of Apple and Coca Cola.

As with all change, there is risk, but also the potential for great rewards. The risk is that you’ll alienate some of your loyal client base. In dental practice this would likely mean your older patients who might be more averse to change. The rewards, however, can be plentiful, especially if you’re looking to attract new patients. The decision, therefore, has to take into account what your prime demographic is, based on your location and services, and what kind of change will either reel them in or send them packing.

In short, when you start to feel like your practice image could use a refresh, it’s time to take stock of where you are as a company, how you are seen in the community and where you want to go. The exercise is an excellent opportunity to check the pulse of your practice and make the changes necessary to give it a jumpstart. The first step is to engage a specialist marketing agency to help guide you through the process. If you choose the right one, they’ll give you an honest assessment of what you should keep, and what you should let go of, and then help you do just that.


Milkshake Dental Marketing is a leading provider of specialist dental marketing in the UK, so give us a call on 01844 292086, visit our website or connect with us on social media (@MilkshakeDental).

  3319 Hits
3319 Hits

What’s your special day?

What’s your special day?


So, did you do anything special for World Play Your Ukelele Day? Lame Duck Day? Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbours Day? No, we’re not kidding - these are all ‘special days’ that were celebrated last month. You may think it’s all getting a bit much, with several special calls to action competing for every single day of the year. But we’d ask you to think again, because the flip side is that these are all opportunities for your marketing to take a free ride on social media.

Step out of your dental scrubs for a minute and see things from your patients’ perspective. Most of them are logging on and off social media pretty much all day long. And the posts they’re sharing are the ones that catch their imagination, which probably doesn’t include your strict reminder to floss twice daily. So how do you grab their interest? Have fun and be engaging. Choose a few special occasion days and tie them into your practice, making them highly shareable, whilst still working for you.

An example? 2nd March was National Old Stuff Day, so why not ask your followers what they’re planning to recycle or throw out and, at the same time, remind them to replace their old toothbrush? 2nd March was also National Book Day, a perfect time to ask your patients who their favourite fictional dentist is (and remind them to ‘like’ and ‘share’ if YOU are their favourite real dentist)! Anything that gets them to engage with you and, ideally, share your post, is marketing gold. Your posts will be seen by not only your followers, but everyone searching for the associated hashtag. And, best of all, it’s free.

Oh and don’t forget the special weeks and months too! Most, if not all, are conveniently indexed on (for more serious causes) and (for the more whimsical) so why not put a few on your social media calendar and ride those hashtags to success?

And if you don’t have time for such shenanigans, don’t worry - we have two dedicated social media gurus on staff whose job it is to post fun and engaging content for you (yes, they do love their work). So give us a call on 01844 292086, visit our website (link to or connect with us on social media (@MilkshakeDental) and we’ll soon have you participating in Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day on 27th March (just joking)!

  4946 Hits
4946 Hits

Are you award-worthy?

Are you award-worthy?
It’s awards season in Hollywood and who among us hasn’t at some point imagined ourselves standing in front of an adoring audience, accepting a gleaming statuette and making the most eloquent and gracious of acceptance speeches? If you thought that, by choosing a career in dentistry instead of film, you’d have to kiss that dream goodbye, think again.
There are several dentistry awards in the UK, including the FMC Dentistry Awards and The Dental Awards. More niche awards include the Aesthetic Dentistry Awards and the Private Dentistry Awards. In short, there are plenty to go round and, as the entry cost is either minimal or free, you’ve really nothing to lose and a great deal to possibly gain by entering.
Why bother? We’re so glad you asked. In marketing circles, we often talk about word of mouth being golden - the best kind of advertising money can’t buy. Well winning an award is even better, because it’s word of mouth from your peers. Being able to call yourself ‘award-winning’ (or even shortlisted) tells current, lapsed and prospective patients that your fellow dental professionals consider you to be among the best. In marketing terms, that’s priceless.
The Dental Awards 2017 have recently extended their entry deadline to 17th February, giving you just enough time to be in with a chance. Entry is free, so why not try your luck? All that’s required is for you to put your best foot forward and showcase your achievements in the best possible light.
Once you’ve secured your place amongst the finalists, get to work tooting your own horn on your website and of course on social media. This is certainly no time to be modest, and you should have a marketing campaign ready to take that award and run with it. After all, doesn’t your community deserve to know they have an award-winning practice just around the corner?
If you would like help preparing your entry (and marketing your big win!) get in touch with the team at Milkshake Dental Marketing. We’ll do the work while you do the fun stuff - practicing your big acceptance speech!
Contact Milkshake today for further information. 
  2969 Hits
2969 Hits

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